Thursday, October 8, 2009

Change in fall break trip plans...

Well, it turns out that the visa to get into Burkina Faso costs around 100 U.S. dollars, more or less depending on what they want to charge you at the border, so most of us had to rule that country out since it is so expensive. Instead a small group of us have decided to travel west to Cote d'Ivoire, which I'm sure many people have heard is relatively unstable right now due to conflicts with the political system. However, it should be safe enough for us to get to the capital city of Abidjan, which is about an 8 hour drive from Accra, and stay there a few days. I am not entirely sure what else we are doing in the country, since we have not all come together and discussed it yet, but from what I have researched it looks very interesting and different. We applied for a visa a few days ago, which will be ready tomorrow, and we are planning to leave Saturday around 3am so we are traveling during the day and arrive by the evening instead of traveling overnight. When we return to Ghana, we are hoping to travel up north to Mole National Park where we can see wildlife like elephants and baboons as well as other monkeys, though it will be another long trip getting up there. I can already tell that this break will be fairly stressful and time consuming, but it will definitely be an adventure and will force me out of my comfort zone, which is all a part of the experience.

I will update again when we return in a little over a week, so wish me luck!

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