Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weekend trip itinerary

Okay, everyone, here’s the itinerary for this weekend:

Saturday, Semptember 12, 2009
6:30am Depart for Cape Coast/Elmina at 6:30am sharp
(Solomon’s Lodge residents will be picked up at 6:20am)
9:00am Arrive in Elmina, check in to Coconut Grove Beach
Resort and eat brunch by the beach.
10:30am Depart Coconut Grove for Elmina Slave Castle
11:00am-1:00pm Tour UNESCO World Heritage site, Elmina Slave Castle
1:00pm Depart Elmina Castle for Hans Cottage, a famous
restaurant built on stilts over a pond of crocodiles
1:30-2:15pm Rest stop for drinks/refreshments at Hans Cottage (lunch
will not be served so suggested to bring packed lunch, snacks,
etc. for road)
2:15pm Depart Hans Cottage for Kakum National Park
2:45-4:45pm Visit Kakum National Park and cross renowned canopy
4:45pm Depart Kakum for Coconut Grove
5:45-7:00pm Rest, play volleyball, enjoy the beach, pool, etc.
7:30pm Dinner on the beach with bonfire and sample traditional
palm wine
Free evening

Sunday, September 13, 2009
7:30-9:30am Breakfast at hotel
9:30am-1:00pm Free time (Bus will be available to go to Cape Coast to visit
Cape Coast Castle, explore Cape Coast town, eat lunch, etc.
Suggested to pick up lunch for the return trip to Accra)
1:30pm Check out of hotel and depart for Accra
4:00pm Estimated arrival time in Accra

Does this sound amazing or what? We are all so excited and cannot stop talking about the trip since we received this schedule last night. Don’t worry, I will try to take as many pictures as possible.

Except for the fact that I have to write two short papers for classes next week, I have been much happier lately. I am finally starting to feel normal and can exercise my body more; I am planning to join Daniella and others in yoga at least a few times a week, if not everyday, since it makes me feel so open and flexible and ready for the day. Tonight all the girls are coming over to Solomon’s for a movie night where we will watch Mulan and eat a bunch of food that people are making. We’re hoping to make this a weekly activity, which I am excited about since I love movie nights.

The only bad news is that lately a lot of people have been getting sick and going to the hospital, though most of them have been due to food poisoning. One girl that is there now actually tested positive for malaria, though since they found it so early they have been able to treat it quickly before it gets worse. As everyone has been saying, it would be much better to get malaria here in Ghana than in the United States because they are better prepared for it here and know exactly how to treat it whereas in the States it is much less common. I just really hope I never get it, since I am through with being sick.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I have been very sunburned and tan already, since the sun is so much stronger here and my sunscreen only lasts a couple hours before I have to reapply it. Most of you probably won’t even recognize me when I get back in December!

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